Hello to anyone who happens to stumble upon this place in some frequent form or fashion. It has been a while, but I am finally ready to make some posts. We still don't have the use of our stove or microwave, but there is hopes that all might be back to a new normal by tomorrow. I'll believe it when I see it. Luckily we have a place to sleep, and are able to easily live even in the aftermath of Sandy. A big thank you to all those who have helped support us and show us your love in the past few weeks. Anyway, the real reason you come (hopefully)...
As always thanks for looking, and things should be back to a more normal schedule.
Just a little longer
I realized today it has been almost 7 weeks since I have posted anything. I apologize for putting it off but I have a bunch of pictures waiting to be scanned in and posted. Hopefully I can get this done tomorrow.
Sorry I haven't posted recently. Sandy trashed our apartment and we are still in the process of cleaning and getting things back to normal. Have no fear more drawings will be coming your way soon. As always thanks.
Summer Lovin'
I only title this summer lovin' in reference to the impending doom that is Sandy. I like most people are not that worried since Irene was kind of a breeze, at least for those of us in the city. This might give Sandy the window of ease she needs to really come in and destroy though. Who knows, we'll see soon enough.
Apologies for not post more recently. I didn't realize I had 6 drawings waiting to be scanned in and posted or I would have done this a few days ago. I also have felt a great lack of caring towards most things as of late which has impeded my regular blog posting. But enough about sad things, lets get to the good stuff that you came to see! 6 Fishes!
I am really please with most of these. I hope you all enjoy. Thanks for looking!
Apologies for not post more recently. I didn't realize I had 6 drawings waiting to be scanned in and posted or I would have done this a few days ago. I also have felt a great lack of caring towards most things as of late which has impeded my regular blog posting. But enough about sad things, lets get to the good stuff that you came to see! 6 Fishes!
I am really please with most of these. I hope you all enjoy. Thanks for looking!
Hall of Legends
Well I must say we had quite a good time with my mother in town. While the UN is was cool and all I would say the crowning glory was the tour of Madison Square Garden. Mom met a guy who works there on her recent trip to Vegas (she was at an arena managers conference). Needless to say he gave us a private guided tour of the entire building. We went from the theatre below the arena (2nd largest theatre in the city only after Radio City), to the very top, to right next to the ice. Yes they were making the ice for the first time to get ready for Hockey season. We got to see the locker rooms for the Knicks and the Rangers, as well as the hallway where every famous musician walks down before they go on stage. Crazy awesome, a lot of history in there. We also went to the Guggenheim, where there was a really excellent Picasso show that was very insightful. As much of his work that we see I have to say the man was truly amazing. Anyway enough about me, look at my drawings!
5 Ma UN 2000
Sorry for the delay in posting. I wanted to have 5 fishes for you all
this time. Long story short the 5th one took me a couple of days to
finish. Either way They are all done now.
Ma is in town for a couple of days. Not sure what all we are getting into tomorrow, but I am sure we will have a good time either way. I know Tuesday we are touring the UN as well as Madison Square Garden which should be pretty awesome.
I also broke 2000 page views. Thanks to you all for looking!
Ma is in town for a couple of days. Not sure what all we are getting into tomorrow, but I am sure we will have a good time either way. I know Tuesday we are touring the UN as well as Madison Square Garden which should be pretty awesome.
I also broke 2000 page views. Thanks to you all for looking!
Being sick makes you sound sexy
I apologize for the retardation of the flow of my blog postings lately. Between being gone and now being sick for the past 4 days I have not a a lot of vim and vigor. I have actually felt bad enough that I am taking some medicine. For those of you who know me that tells you how bad I feel. I will say that being congested does give me kind of an Issac Hayes or Barry White kind of sound. I think it really gets the ladies going. Well that's that, so here are some Fishes!
The last one is quite big. Its about 11 inches long. It took quite a while, but I had fun with it. The second again I really like the intestine type feel thing. The first I think explains itself. Hope you enjoy. More fishes to come.
The last one is quite big. Its about 11 inches long. It took quite a while, but I had fun with it. The second again I really like the intestine type feel thing. The first I think explains itself. Hope you enjoy. More fishes to come.
This is gonna be short. Check out the best site in the world, JetPens. I made their blog! Artist Highlight yo!
It has begun...
Alright my faithful few, as promised I am going to let you in on my next project. The working name so far is "100 Fishes". It is going to be pretty self explanatory, 100 fish drawings. The kicker is that though the drawings are individual and self sufficient, they are ultimately meant to be seen as a single large piece that will cover as much space as it needs. I am not sure how large it will end up, but I am excited none the less. I also am not sure how long the project will take to complete, but I hope you will follow along on the journey and put up with my fish drawings over the next few months. Either way I have already begun, so I will show off my first 3 fishes.
Thanks for looking and let me know what ya think! Thanks
Thanks for looking and let me know what ya think! Thanks
Weddings and Chickens
Sorry for my brief hiatus. I try to keep this thing fresh, but I have been out of town the past few days attending a wedding. Have no fear, I am back at it. So... the first image came as a result from not doing any bird drawings lately. I thought I would take a different approach to this one. I am really happy with some of the things going on, and there are some things that will be changed with the next.
The second image comes as a response to the wedding that I just attended. Two friends of mine just tied the knot and I was lucky enough to be there. We had a blast and I got to meet some really cool people. Most importantly I got to dance, a lot. There were a lot of cool untraditional twists to the wedding so I thought why not an unconventional portrait. Anyway I hope they will enjoy it. Congrats Kelly and Kenny!

Lastly, after 7 months of being in limbo between projects, I have decided what my next venture is going to be. Oh, but don't think I'm gonna give it away just yet. You'll have to catch the next blog to find out :)
The second image comes as a response to the wedding that I just attended. Two friends of mine just tied the knot and I was lucky enough to be there. We had a blast and I got to meet some really cool people. Most importantly I got to dance, a lot. There were a lot of cool untraditional twists to the wedding so I thought why not an unconventional portrait. Anyway I hope they will enjoy it. Congrats Kelly and Kenny!

Lastly, after 7 months of being in limbo between projects, I have decided what my next venture is going to be. Oh, but don't think I'm gonna give it away just yet. You'll have to catch the next blog to find out :)
More Tentacles... oh and Fish!
Well unfortunately my two days of freedom are winding to a close. On the bright side of that I got some really nice drawings done, and another is in the works. I also got to go to probabaly one of the best museums I have ever been to. The Noguchi Museum. It was quite a trek to make it out to Queens, but if you ever have the opportunity it is well worth it. It is a right across from his studio, and much of the building used for the museum he used for storage. He later bought the surrounding lots and deigned a building around the original building, and opened it as a museum. It has a wonderful open feel with so many of his works. Its so peaceful and wonderful there. I will definitely find my way back there. My drawings for the day have nothing to do with him, but maybe they do in a round about way, who knows.
Image 1 here is a some more tentacles, since I have been on a tentacle kick. This is a bigger drawing, about 11"x5". The texture on the dome took forever!! So I just had to do it again on Image 2.

It is even larger 11" x 8.5". I don't know if I was just looking to drive myself crazy with this one, but I wanted to have a lot of intricate texture. I was also trying to have like 5 different line thicknesses. It was really hard for me to not put a hard black line on the horizontal fish, but I think by not doing so some really cool things happen. I wanted you my viewer to be able to see the small things better so I have included a detail image below so you can enjoy. As always thanks for looking!!
Tentacles and Balls
Well I made it through another 5 day work week. I was sick most of the time which made it go even slower, but overall I had a good week. It is still early so I don't think I have a lot of extra hooplah to say at the moment. So pictures!
The first image is the tentacle part of the title. I have found that when i am faced with a square sheet of paper it always throws me for a while. I have a desire to fill the space which sometimes makes for boring shapes. Anyway, this is what I came up with.
Image 2 is a long overdue inspired piece. Mostly because I couldn't think of anything else to draw, and partially because I really love this lamp. The GLO Nightlight. I thought it looked like something I would draw. So I did. P.s. the balls are glow in the dark and actually come out of their sockets, SO COOL!

As always thanks for looking!
The first image is the tentacle part of the title. I have found that when i am faced with a square sheet of paper it always throws me for a while. I have a desire to fill the space which sometimes makes for boring shapes. Anyway, this is what I came up with.
Image 2 is a long overdue inspired piece. Mostly because I couldn't think of anything else to draw, and partially because I really love this lamp. The GLO Nightlight. I thought it looked like something I would draw. So I did. P.s. the balls are glow in the dark and actually come out of their sockets, SO COOL!
As always thanks for looking!
Well I have to start by apologizing for not posting sooner. The work week as always is hectic and doesn't allow for a lot of excess energy. With that being said for, my faithful I have made 3 new images. 2 are quite nice and one was kind of testing. But before we start I think I must say as the title of the post insinuates I feel I have dealt with a large number of ungrateful people this week. The most stand out was a man in a wheel chair that was stuck going up the side walk ramp after crossing the street. I decided to go and help him, then he asked me to push him a little further, and then to a store, and then here and there, all the while he was being extrememly rude and telling me I wasn't listening and being a stupid F#$%ER. And eventually I decided I needed to go home because it really wasn't working out. At this point he choose to call me a F#$%ING N#$%ER which I found interesting. Needless to say some time you try to produce good Karma and sometimes you can't. Haha. Sorry to bore you with uninteresting this so without further ado, some images.
As always thanks for looking!!
As always thanks for looking!!
September Sinuses...
Well the seasons are definately in the midst of change. In order to celebrate my sinuses have decided to throw a party in my head. Ugh... My way of celebrating included my one shopping day a year where I got some new pants and shirts. Yay for new clothes!
Two smaller pieces and a larger piece for the drawings today. The top one is one of my favorite kind of compositions, jsut playing with some line and texture combinations. The 2nd is kind of experimental, not my favorite drawing as of late. It's one of those you look back and and see about a million things you should have done different. I guess that's why they make pen refills and blank paper. The third is a fun little piece. Revisiting some older style, because I got some inspiration from an instagram artist. I think its pretty cool.
P.S. I watched Highlander today, it was great. I watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes yesterday. It was AWESOME!!!
I also got to attend a cool panel discussion on street art tonight. It was all that could be expected from an Upper East Side gallery trying to sound sophisticated and knowledgeable about such a raw subject. The best part was I got to see COST, and one of my favorite artists ever Buff Monster.
Two smaller pieces and a larger piece for the drawings today. The top one is one of my favorite kind of compositions, jsut playing with some line and texture combinations. The 2nd is kind of experimental, not my favorite drawing as of late. It's one of those you look back and and see about a million things you should have done different. I guess that's why they make pen refills and blank paper. The third is a fun little piece. Revisiting some older style, because I got some inspiration from an instagram artist. I think its pretty cool.
P.S. I watched Highlander today, it was great. I watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes yesterday. It was AWESOME!!!
Scribble, scribble, scribble, scribble
Well it has been a long 5 day run at work as usual, but even with all the hair flying I was still able to make a few pieces of work. The first is a larger scale like the previous post. Trying out a few things here and there, I am somewhat pleased with it. I do like the bubble rod thingy.
The second one is a smaller scale one, I wanted to be able to get another drawing done tonight. I am continuing to play around with different line weights in different areas. I'm sure you can see the comparison between the two. I am really liking the way this one turned out I think I will kind of follow the lead and see where it takes me. As you can also see this shape has been continuing to show up very frequently in my work as of late. I have liked it for a while, but its constantly in my head right now for some reason. As always thanks for looking and enjoy! Comments are always welcome.
The second one is a smaller scale one, I wanted to be able to get another drawing done tonight. I am continuing to play around with different line weights in different areas. I'm sure you can see the comparison between the two. I am really liking the way this one turned out I think I will kind of follow the lead and see where it takes me. As you can also see this shape has been continuing to show up very frequently in my work as of late. I have liked it for a while, but its constantly in my head right now for some reason. As always thanks for looking and enjoy! Comments are always welcome.
Back breaking work...
This is going to be a quick post tonight, I just wanted to put up the finished product on my latest drawing. It is by far the largest drawing that I have done in quite some time, almost flling a 9"x12" sheet of paper. I really like making larger scale pieces. I just bought an even larger pad in order to push myself to create some larger more intricate images. This is a familiar composition for me, but I wanted to play around with some new and some old patterns. I have included a detail from one of the neatest interactions in the drawing. I hope you all enjoy! Thanks for looking.
Cats and Balls
So the past few days have been quite eventful. I had two quite busy days at work, which was marvelous. Putting up with all the crap of being an underling, I tend to forget how much I enjoy doing my job, when I actually get to do my job. I have had some excellent clients, and top it all off today with one of my favorite all time models. Magnifique!
Jessica and I also got to go to a store that just sells light bulbs, called Just Bulbs. It was super crazy, but made me want to just hang lights from every part of the hosue. They even have the cool retro looking bulbs with like the orange glowing wire, super cool. We also made the trek back to Ikea yesterday. We always end up spending more than planned, but there are such nifty things there!! The best part about going to Ikea is taking the water taxi back and forth from there. The weather has been absolutely amazing the past couple of days, and being on the water was just so wonderful.
Well as always thanks for looking. I hope you enjoy the doodles for the past few days. The color one got smeared for some reason, so I'm not really happy with it. The three baller I did with Microns. I still think I prefer my Hi-Tec-c pens more so, but it is nice to have some variety. The last one is a silly drawing I did for a friend of mine. I also completed the drawing for Brain, which will be in the mail shortly, but I didn't want to spoil it before he got to see it.
Jessica and I also got to go to a store that just sells light bulbs, called Just Bulbs. It was super crazy, but made me want to just hang lights from every part of the hosue. They even have the cool retro looking bulbs with like the orange glowing wire, super cool. We also made the trek back to Ikea yesterday. We always end up spending more than planned, but there are such nifty things there!! The best part about going to Ikea is taking the water taxi back and forth from there. The weather has been absolutely amazing the past couple of days, and being on the water was just so wonderful.
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