Drawing #2 is just some more playing around with color and seeing where it goes. A bit more open feel, kinda taking some inspiration from the 365. Comments always welcome
As for my other goings on, Jessica and I made the hike uptown to The Cloisters. While she had been there before I haven't had the chance yet, but it was quite amazing. There was some amazing architecture, and just brilliant art as well. They did a wonderful job creating this feel and environment. It gives you the sensation of being there and experiencing it in a unique way. I felt like I was in the world of my latest book The Wise Man's Fear's by Patrick Rothfuss. Not only that, but the grounds looked amazing (from the bus it was raining). I have had the chance twice this week to be in the city, but be away from the city. First the beach on Monday, and now The Cloisters. Who knows what fun adventure we may get into on Friday. As always thanks for looking.
Reese! Where's the thoughts on the Olympics? I thought we were going to get your overall thoughts on the entire event (as if you didn't have enough other things to occupy your mind). Loving the new pictures! Colors only seem to add to your already spectacular doodles! And nice shout-out to the book!
Thanks for the reminder. I will talk about the Olympics tomorrow I think. :)