
Cast of characters.

One of my favorite things growing up was reading Calvin and Hobbs. I always dreamed of being able to write a witty comic strip. Anytime I get on a kick I always like to make characters and even if their interactions don't exist on paper I have stories about them and their interactions in my head.  For this post I think I'll tell their stories instead of talking about technique. Enter "The Cast of Characters"
The muscle:  Grunt came from a hard background. His childhood was spent on the street. He got into peddling drugs at first, but once he hit puberty he quickly outgrew the other boys. Since he was nearly double their size it wasn't long before he began doing the collections and "inspiring" people to pay what they owed. Grunt didn't mind the work, after all he was making more money than his friends.  He did feel sorry for some of the people he came across. Many of them had families they were trying to provide for and had next to nothing after he took his cut. Deep down he always wondered if there was more to life, but felt that he wasn't smart enough to go to school. So he kept quiet and did what he was told. 
The Lackee: Gary never believed in himself even from a young age. He never had any direction, any goals any dreams. While he was in college (as was expected by his family) he met Randal.  Randal was never kind nor caring towards Gary, but he put up with him. He let him tag along and in exchange Gary boosted his ego. Always praising and reassuring him of his choices. For Gary, Randal was everything. 

The Savior:  Hans was a quiet child. He kept to himself mostly, but always believed he was meant for something bigger. His parents encouraged to be his best in hopes that one day he would come out of his shell. Hans didn't know it but he was meant for something bigger and better.  He didn't know it, but he would change the world. 
The Villian: Randal. Sour, mean, scheming.  Randal. He was always the smallest kid in his class, but knew how to manipulate his peers to accomplish whatever he wanted, no matter how devious. Randal had the tools and the will power to devistate the world as we know it, there was only one thing in his way. 

The Mother: Umaya as the people call her is the creator of all things. She oversees and observes, but never interferes. She gives life, and welcomes the dead. She is the beginning and she is the end. She is a part of all of us. 

Sorry this one took me a while to get out. I hope you enjoy them all. I don't thin they'll ever be anymore than dreams and images in my head, but dreaming is fun. 

As always comments and critiques are welcome. Thanks for looking!!

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